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![]() ROWAN Unisex | red | Irish |
![]() CAVANAUGH Surname | beautiful, gentle, kind | Irish |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Rowan Cavanaugh. ◖NICKNAME◗ Most people refer to him as mr. Cavanaugh, to friends and family he's simply Rowan. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ 28th April. ◖AGE◗ Just turned 30. ◖ZODIAC◗ Taurus. ◖NATIONALITY◗ American with Irish roots (far, far back). ◖OCCUPATION◗ Art dealer, owns his own gallery. ◖RESIDENCE◗ A large apartment in a newly built apartment complex, San Francisco. ◖RACE◗ Human. |
◖HEIGHT◗ 1,85 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Broad-shouldered, athletic, well-defined. ◖EYES◗ A piercing light blue colour. ◖HAIR◗ Brown, which he sometimes keeps long, sometimes short, it depends on his mood. ◖COMPLEXION◗ White. ◖TATTOOS◗ He has one on his inner upper right arm and would like more, preferably some that he can easily hide though. ◖SCARS◗ Nothing major, only those faint few from childhood. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ Left-handed. ◖SEXUALITY◗ Straight. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Dating around. |
◖STRENGTHS◗ Social gatherings, art, negotiations, planning, following up and keeping track, spotting new talent as well as old classics, even at a great distance, numbers, remembering names, colours, modern art, especially abstract art, his general likeability, flirting, making drinks, simple cooking. ◖WEAKNESSES◗ He can't stop working, just having a hard time putting things down and letting them go, backing away and accepting a no as a no, though only in terms of business of course. ◖LIKES◗ Art, especially that of the modern period, Jackson Pollock is his favourite, contemporary art to a certain degree, fine dining, dinner parties and cocktail parties, social gatherings in general, even receptions, drinks, dancing, women, being the one in charge, scoring the great deal, success, admiration, dogs, travelling, going on adventures. ◖DISLIKES◗ Mess, at least at his gallery or office, losing, complications, rough fabrics, lying, especially forgeries, people trying to cheat him or sell him short, skipping mealtimes, waking up late, having nothing to do. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Michiel Huisman. |
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WHEN YOU'RE BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN YOUR MOUTH ________________ Rowan Cavanaugh was born as the first child to Brian and Sheila Cavanaugh. It was planned for him to be the only child of the jetset couple, his mother a divorce lawyer, his father an extremely succesful real estate mogul, but he was followed by the younger sister, Maeve, almost seven years later. His childhood was simply amazing, there are no words to describe it. He got everything he wanted and his parents made sure that he had everything he needed and more. There were no need for worries. He went to the best schools, all of them private, all who received heavy donations from his parents, ensuring him not only the best education, but he was highly regarded ― even without lifting a finger. A pleasant beginning that only continued throughout his life. Surely, he did well too, a clever child, who proved to be gifted not only academically, but also creatively. He was truly everything that his parents could have wanted. Popular with both the other children, their parents, and the teachers, always did his homework and often more, always ready for a party, but only in a proper manner of course. Instead of following the smart choices and going into a field that would allow him to take over from his father, Rowan wanted to follow his heart and passion: And that was art. While he definitely had a talent for it, it was especially looking and enjoying art ― and the value thereof. He wanted to study art, he wanted to know all that he could. He was accepted into Standford University to study art history, his parents being able to easily pay for such an education without hesitation. He once again did well, excelled in classes, even as he started his minor in business, since there was really no way that he could stay out of it completely. He was his father's son after all. He managed to secure himself the position as valedictorian, but who was really surprised by that? He had everything, the looks, the wits, the passion, as well as the money from his dear old parents to get him anywhere in the world. Life was good and it simply didn't stop there. Even before he arrived back to San Fransisco, even before he finished his master's degree, Rowan started his work within the art dealing world. He had the money and the drive already, so why not get a head start to secure his reputation from the get-go? This made it even easier to open his own gallery at the very moment he set foot in his hometown. It was grand, just what he wanted, everything he had dreamed of. He already had a vast art collection himself, he knew what he wanted, and that was what he got. As he was already semi-established, both through himself, but surely through his parents, he had an easy, if not brilliant start. He moved on from his parents' reputation slowly, even if their name still rang nicely, but he did become a stable name within the art world, especially on the east coast. Racking up millions, he travelled, found new as well as old art, filled his gallery and apartment, all that he had dreamed of became true. He purchased a lovely home, a classic San Fransisco house on the outside, extremely modern and renovated on the inside, all thanks to his father of course. While he bought it himself, it was more or less pick and choose ― he could pick any house and he would get it, especially since he could easily afford it. Easily. Now, he works, mainly from his home office, but he enjoys going downtown to his gallery, either to meet clients or host receptions, but travelling is also something he often enjoys. He enjoys life, it's everything that he wanted, and these days his biggest worries are what breed of dog he will buy. |
○ S O C I A B L E
adj. | so·cia·ble Likely to seek or enjoy the company of others. Rowan is extremely sociable. He was raised in an environment surrounded by people, even when he was the only child. There were always people around him, whether it was his parents, nannies, guests, or friends. He has always enjoyed this, he truly feels alive as the centre of attention and loves hosting, both in his own home as well as at his gallery. He enjoys being a guest too, well, it doesn't need to be a party for him to enjoy it. People give him energy and joy, he loves meeting new people as well as old ― there's nothing like running into old friends, is there? |
○ O P P O R T U N I S T I C
adj. | op·por·tu·nis·tic Attentive to and ready to act on opportunities for personal gain or advancement. Rowan knows when he sees an opportunity ― and then he seizes it. He knows to do it well too. He doesn't rush into it, he won't let others see what he sees, he simply wants to secure it in the best way possible, which often means at the best price. He rarely comes off as persistent, as he has perfected his persuasion skill, but giving up is not part of his vocabulary. He sees opportunities most places, but he's not unrealistic either. When it's no good, he knows it. He might not let them know, but he won't go for it. |
○ F L I R T A T I O U S
adj. | flir·ta·tious Feeling or showing a sexual attraction for someone that is usually not meant to be taken seriously. Just like he's sociable, Rowan is flirtatious of nature. It's just who he is. Of course, he flirts and dates around quite a lot. He's a bachelor and wanted by the ladies, so he has no reason to turn down the charm. His charm is truly infectious and most simply love it, especially since his looks makes it easily excusable. Most times, he likes flirting without any problems, but it happens that he doesn't think about it, which often lands him in trouble. Luckily, he often gets out of trouble (which, again, often has to do with his looks and charm). |
○ S T E A D F A S T
adj. | stead·fast Firm in one's allegiance to someone or something. Rowan doesn't give up on an opportunity, but he is just as steadfast in other aspects of his life. If he puts his mind to something, he will go through with it no matter what. He doesn't have to prove himself, he has his self-confidence in order and has no need for flattery or reassurance, but he likes going through with things. He wanted to make something for himself and he did so, even if he won't disagree with the fact that his parents' help has been carrying him through most of it. His will is incredibly strong and he rarely takes no for an answer, at least in terms of business. He understands boundaries, sure, but when his eye catches something, he will try and grasp it. |